My Wargaming Week, 12th November 2016

This week I have continued with British grenadiers. The grenadiers of the 5th foot can join the converged grenadier battalion once their basing is finished:



I had a few experiments to get an acceptable "gosling green" but I think this will do OK. This is a mix of Vallejo dark yellow, Army Painter greenskin and a touch of light brown.

Also painted, and on individual bases are the grenadiers of the 35th in orange facings:

These facings are Vallejo orange-brown, highlighted by adding a little yellow.

I'm on call this weekend so progress might slow as it distracts my mojo. I have made progress on Breed's Hill with some textured paint but will report on that next week once it is more photogenic than the current wet, brown mound!


  1. Lovely figures and a lovely paint job😀

  2. Your grenadiers looked dressed to the nines!

  3. Superlative effort! If I were a rebel I'd think twice before going up against these splendid fellows.

  4. Most impressive job and great details on these grenadiers Steve!


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