My Wargaming Week, 5th June 2016

It has been half term holidays for the girls this week so there has not been much time for painting.

The 3rd Foot have moved forward a little, with five more figures finished and 15 more have been base coated and ink washed.

We had a few days at the seaside but the weather was not kind:

But we had a good time nevertheless. Book ending the holiday was painting the standards for the 3rd:

I'm pleased to have got back to painting flags after using the GMB ones for my Hessians and 64th foot. These look slightly better in the flesh than on the photos and I think are worth the bit of extra effort.

Back to work tomorrow and expecting a 'big' week, but I hope to have most of the regiment finished by next weekend.

While at the coast I did read two Featherstone classics - Advanced Wargames and Wargames Campaigns. Both a little dated but still having some nuggets of interesting ideas and the expected enthusiasm in the prose.



  1. Outstanding, except the weather of course.

  2. Coming along very nicely. Really like the flags!

  3. Great work on the figures and flags

  4. Lovely painting - they look brilliant.


  5. These look excellent, shame about the weather.

    Be good, Jeremy

  6. Great paint work. Soldiers looks awsome :)


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