Mid week update. 6th April 2016

Hi all.

As I mentioned last time, I was hoping to finish the 3rd NJ regiment and here they are:

The drab coats of the tank and file were painted with Vallejo U.S. field drab.

I also started and finished the 9th PA regiment. These are mostly Perry plastics. All went well until they nearly melted in a warm oven where I was drying the bases. Only a couple of degrees too high but some of the muskets have bent a little. The remedial work took a while.

The chap in the cocked hat below is a standard plastic private with an arm from the command sprue:

The figure in front below is also a standard infantryman, with a spare arm from the metal 2nd LD command blister where I have converted the carbine in the hand into a musket using a spare plastic one.

I gave this unit a fairly simple standard held by a foundry metal figure with Front Rank finnial and cords:

The fifer is a foundry metal figure, but I filed off his cocked hat and replaced it with a plastic cap. The officer is the freebie from Warlord that came with the Rebellion! book.

 I'm still a bit annoyed about the flexi-muskets but that is what comes of rushing things.

Next up are the 16th LD for the British and a small special project - mounted jagers!



  1. These look great, your mix of base colours and vibrant colours really make these stand out


  2. Great job, splendid details on the clothes and faces...


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