Union I and II corps are now arriving to support each flank of III corps and the Confederates will need to act quickly and aggressively with their three Divisions if they are to survive:

Anderson's Division occupies a strong defensive position along a wooded creek to hold back I corps while Buckner and Cheatham hold against III Corps. The boys in blue make slow progress.
I corps takes a beating but forces itself across the creek into Anderson's position. The Confederates rapidly rush a couple of brigades up the pike:
The union army is beginning to form up into a semblance of a line of battle:
A firm Confederate counterattack (no pun intended) opens up Peter's Hill;
So I corps slips to its left and begins to move towards the river, around the confederate right flank, while II and III corps push towards Perryville:
The Union squeeze is on and the Confederates fall back towards a defensive ring around town leaving an artillery rearguard on Peter's Hill:
The sun is beginning to head for the horizon...can grey hold out against blue?...
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