Light Infantry


I managed to get a fair amount of painting done yesterday and finished the basing on the loyalist unit from my previous blog entry.

Today I have been finishing off some light infantry to use in composite battalions.

Here are the figures for the light company of a yellow faced regiment. This could be the 16th at Camden and Cowpens or the 30th at Eutaw Springs.

The second group are more hypothetical. The loyalist Prince of Wales Volunteers provided a light company as part of the light battalion at Camden and possibly Cowpens. As I had a few left over Lees Legion figures I have used them with the justification that some loyalist units followed the fashions of the day. In this case perhaps adopting the tarleton's helmets of the 16th LD. I claim no actual historical accuracy, but they do look rather nice :-)
Next up are finishing touches to two light companies of the 71st Highlanders.


  1. Great looking troops - their uniforms look no-nonsense and for skirmishing/fighting. Impressive look for AWI.

  2. Oh, liking the use of those extra Lees legion figs as loyalists. I have some too and so may 'adopt' that idea, if you dont mind!

  3. Nice work - like their overalls too...

  4. Vey nice work, love the pant's color especially...


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