Watching paint dry...

...well varnish actually. Slow progress as I am waiting for the varnish I poured into the river to dry out and go clear. So far a couple of sunny days have got rid of most of the white patches and hopefully when I get home tonight the rest will have gone too!

In the meantime I am painting up some AWI civilains from the Perry pack - pictures in a day or two once I have some finished. I have also got back to some scenario development.

I have now completed all of my Hovel's buildings. I do have a church and house lacking bases, so these might get addressed but I think I probably have enough buildings for now to cover the essentials. My current focus has moved northwards and a few years back. I am contemplating building a fortified hill in the flavour of Breed's Hill but am considering the various options (one big hill, several sections, type of fortification, etc) I have also been looking at the contemporary engravings of Lexongton and Concord and quite like to the look of the 3-storey meeting house and the square belfry building. I feel a scratch-building session coming on...where are those fly swatters?

I have some gaming planned too. I should be able to get to the club next week (30th) and the week after (7th July) so if anyone is in the Newark area and fancies a game of AWI Black Powder then give me a shout. We meet in the scout hut on Lover's Lane (really, that is its name!) from around 7 or 7.30. Postcode: NG24 1HZ. Below is a picture of what it looks like, as people may be expecting something more...wooden.



  1. Steve, I'd love to come down for a game of AWI. I'll have to ask my Dad thought as he's the designated (and qualified) driver.

    Hopefully see you there! Will confirm nearer the time.



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