Slow weekend

Crikey, what with all the sporting action (being generous to the England footie team) and being out on Saturday night not a lot got done on the gaming front this weekend.
I did manage to make some progress in revamping a TSS board with a big corner hill on it and carved a pond into a plain board.

I won't even get a chance to get my planned game in at the club this week as I have to go to a conference in I'll have to look forward doubly to next week.

Oh, and it is too hot!

...although this does mean that stuff dries nice and fast.

Top discovery last week: B&Q sand-less filler. Ready mixed, very little shrinking/cracking and ultra light weight which really helps to take the strain off the terrain boards.



  1. Loving all your AWI stuff at the moment steve, great inspiration for when I finally make a start on my Guilford courthouse set up in 10mm

    All the best



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