For a long while I have been flummoxed about representing the Landwehr and volunteer component of the 1809 Austrian army. The following shots show my attempt at producing the 1st Vienna Volunteers.
Here is a close-up. Yes I have painted stripes on the flag pole!
The figures used are British infantry in Southern dress from the Baccus AWI range. While not an exact match for hat and cut of uniform I'm pretty pleased with how they have turned out. I'm just finishing off some regular troops to be brigaded with them on a base to represent part of Nordmann's advanced guard as Aspern-Essling.
I've also got round to basing up those 5 bases of French infantry for II Corps.
It is currently full speed ahead with Austrians to get the OOB up to the level of Aspern-Essling before pushing on to Wagram.
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