This was my bargain at the car boot sale last Bank Holiday. Admittiedly it looked a bit different then, being an ivory coloured, fairy-tale concoction.
The model was put onto a larger card base (it is cast onto a sort of plinth), the edges built up with polyfilla and the basework completed with sand and fence-paint to match my terrain boards. The castle itself was sprayed chocolate brown then drybrushed with a stone-colured paint all over. The walls were washed with a brown/black/pva mix and the roof with a grey/green/pva mix. Total time under an hour (apart from drying time).
Go on, how much do you reckon I paid for it...?

£2. Told you it was a bargain!
The model was put onto a larger card base (it is cast onto a sort of plinth), the edges built up with polyfilla and the basework completed with sand and fence-paint to match my terrain boards. The castle itself was sprayed chocolate brown then drybrushed with a stone-colured paint all over. The walls were washed with a brown/black/pva mix and the roof with a grey/green/pva mix. Total time under an hour (apart from drying time).
Go on, how much do you reckon I paid for it...?
£2. Told you it was a bargain!
Back to those Saxons...
Rats I guessed £2.50.
ReplyDeleteLooks the bees knobbly bits old fruit