In-game shots

Just some shots of tonight's game. This was not a specific scenario, just two Austrian Korps plus a reserve launching an attack on an isolated French Corps, supported by the Young Guard.

The French attempted to defy the 2:1 odds by counterattacking. This met with some success, but was undone by the failure of the Young Guard to stand up to the Austrian Grenadier reserve and a strong right hook by the Austrian Avant Garde that the Bavarian division held up manfully but this was a tide that they could not keep back forever. The French opted to withdraw after battleing away for 3-4 hours (game time, about 90 minutes real time).
A fun game, but the scenario did not hamper the Austrian command structure enough.


  1. Hello Steve,
    Very inspiring as usual. I haven't based my figures yet and hesitate between your number or half of it on my own bases...

    I have a few questions:
    -is it a commercial gaming matt you are playing on?
    -How many GDA bases are you planning as a first stage per side?

    thanks for this great blog!

  2. The terrain is just a board covered with grass matting that has been re-flocked in patches over the last 15 years or so

  3. We are playing gmaes now with around 30 bases a side, but 50-60 is the target for now, maybe more later.

  4. Hello Steve,

    This is really inspiring stuff. I have discovered 6mm and am finally building Napoleonic armies for 1809 .
    I really like you basing for 6mm and will be using your basing guide.

    I was experimenting with grande armee and recently oredered Polemos. Your adapted rules look very interesting.

    Great blog. Keep up the wonderful work.

    Jeroen from Holland


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