Salute 2007 is over, it is official, it says so on the warlords' website ( and all in all I enjoyed the show very much despite the lack of sleep beforehand, and I'll not mention the nazi re-enactors who have featured heavily on the TMP coverage of the show.
Last years show suffered from the "new venue" problems that came with the move to Excel, although these were much less severe than the first year at Olympia. This year seemed to run that bit more smoothly from my viewpoint as a demo gamer.
Trade seemed brisk, although I didn't buy too much myself, and it was good to catch up with some old faces.
The Newark Irregulars game this year was my Back of Beyond/WW1 spread. It seemed to go down well. We had lots of nice comments and people seemed to be snapping piccies all day long. There were some absolutely spectacular games on show, but I think we held our own, despite central asia not really being a subject for "spectacular" wargames scenery! Here is most of the layout as we started the game:
The scenery was constructed on eight 4'x3' board constructed from MDF sheet with a wooden frame. This gives fairly lightweight boards which will stack on top of each other for storage despite hacing hills sculpted on with polysturene and papier mache.
The scenario was a fictional one set in late 1918. A Turkish invasion of Transcaspia is underway, forcing the bolsheviks and british into an alliance of necessity to defeat them. This is a thinly veiled excuse for me to get all my BoB-type stuff onto the table.
The rules were a trimmed down variant of "Red Actions" from the perfect captain website: .
Here are a few more pics of the game and the troops used:

Very nice looking games mate. Wish I could have been at Salute...but it's rather a long swim.