Battle in the woods (3)

The battle continues and has now reached turn 15. The crown forces have been reinforced by the von Bose regiment and have formed a line which is now pushing forward. The rebels have taken losses but a militia brigade has arrived to defend the river crossings. In the woods the rebel cavalry are attempting to hold back the fusiliers to give the militia time to prepare...

Rules notes for woods: max visibility 6". Targets not clear. No charge bonus for cavalry. +1 morale save. All movement at half-pace unless skirmishing. Cavalry can therefore charge and melee in woods but must be within 6" to launch a charge and hit on 4+ in most cases.

Still unsure whether chargers should get the morale bonus for woods on the turn in which they charge!


  1. A realjoy to see all good pictures with stunning minis and terrain !

    Best regards Michael


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